Documentary filmmaker John Ziegler was so sure that Barack Obama would win the presidency, he purchased the Web site URL “HowObamaGotElected.com” in June 2008.
Now, John Ziegler has produced a new film “Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted.” The film is obviously biased, but it’s also a film ABOUT bias. In “How Obama Got Elected,” John Ziegler puts TV news clips and his own research together to get his point across: that the “mainstream media delivered more favorable coverage for Barack Obama while targeting Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.”
John Ziegler believes this coverage “permeated the public consciousness” and delivered the election to the Obama-Biden presidential ticket.
Obviously, the film is fairly one-sided, but John Ziegler believes in his project: he invested over $200,000 of his own money to produce “How Obama Got Elected” and traveled to Alaska to interview Sarah Palin in person.
It’s very unlikely that “How Obama Got Elected” will change any progressive or liberal person’s mind about the election. Interviews with Jon Ziegler show that he’s abrasive (watch the Contessa Brewer / Jon Ziegler video to the left to get a taste), but he has a point.
What do you think? Is Jon Ziegler just bending the facts to fit his anti-Obama rhetoric, or is “How Obama Got Elected” a wonderful, enlightening film that shows the deep bias of the liberal media?
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How Obama Got Elected
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