Celina Cass was last seen Monday nigh around 9:00 p.m. as she was going to bed. When her family went to wake her up on Tuesday morning she was not there. Her home a mile from the U.S. -Canada border leaving family members and friends incredulous. Police and conservation officers are searching fields woods and the Connecticut River while FBI child abduction specialists have joined the hunt.
11 year old Celina Cass is the last person anyone in her New Hampshire community would expect to run away. At this point they only wish that were the case. The other explanations are too scary.

Last seen at a home computer Monday night the fifth grader vanished overnight from her home a mile from the U.S. Canada border leaving family members and friends incredulous. Police and conservation officers are searching fields woods and the Connecticut River while FBI child abduction specialists have joined the hunt.
Local police decide whether those criteria have been met and if so call state police to issue the alert. The criteria were developed by state public safety officials and broadcasters and are similar to what other states use.
Celina cousin Constance McKearney and another young woman Cassie Belanger spent Thursday morning gathering bottled water juice and donations from local businesses and delivering them to the school for the investigators. They filled a minivan and carted the contents into the room where the investigators were gathered.
We just trying to say thank you for everything and we just hope she comes home safe
McKearney said.