Chandrayan's BIG Discovery , Water On the Moon | Chandrayan-I Finds the water on Moon's surface

The US National Aeronautical Space Agency (NASA) has said that a mapping sensor aboard India's Chandrayaan satellite has found water on the Lunar surface. The Chandrayaan Moon mission detecting evidence of water on the lunar surface could lead to new questions on the origins of life.

The data sources by the Chandrayaan show water may be actively moving around on the surface of the moon. Carle Pieters of Brown University in Rhode Island and his colleagues reviewed data from India's Chandrayaan 1 mission -- India's first mission to the moon -- and found some evidence of water. Two NASA probes called Deep Impact and Cassini also found evidence of water, according to experts.

Next month, NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite or LCROSS mission will try to detect water by deliberately crashing a large spacecraft onto the moon.


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