Relaince Industries Annual Report 2009-2010 | Relaince Industries Limited Annual Report at
Dear Shareholders,
Your Directors are pleased to present the 36th Annual Report and the
audited accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2010.
Financial Results
The financial performance of the Company, for the year ended March 31, 2010
is summarised below:
Rs. crore $ Mn*
Profit before Depreciation,
Interest & Tax 33,041.18 7,359
Less: Interest 1,997.21 445
Depreciation 13,477.01
Less: Transfer from
Revaluation 2,980.48
Reserve 10,496.53 2,338
Profit before Tax 20,547.44 4,576
Less: Provision for
Current Taxation 3,111.77 693
Provision for
Fringe Benefit Tax - -
Provision for
Deferred Tax 1,200.00 267
Profit after Tax 16,235.67 3,616
Add: Balance in Profit
and Loss Account 5,384.19 1,199
Amount Available
for Appropriation 21,619.86 4,815
General Reserve 14,000.00 3,118
Debenture Redemption Reserve 189.50 42
Dividend on Equity Shares 2,084.67 464
Tax on dividend 346.24 77
Balance carried to Balance Sheet 4,999.45 1,114
21,619.86 4,815
Rs. crore $ Mn*
Profit before Depreciation,
Interest & Tax 25,373.75 5,003
Less: Interest 1,745.23 344
Depreciation 7,182.43
Less: Transfer from
Revaluation 1,987.14
Reserve 5,195.29 1,025
Profit before Tax 18,433.23 3,634
Less: Provision for
Current Taxation 1,206.50 238
Provision for
Fringe Benefit Tax 56.87 11
Provision for
Deferred Tax 1860.54 367
Profit after Tax 15,309.32 3,018
Add: Balance in Profit
and Loss Account 4,363.29 861
Amount Available
for Appropriation 19,672.61 3,879
General Reserve 11,728.92 2,312
Debenture Redemption Reserve 340.05 67
Dividend on Equity Shares 1,897.05 374
Tax on dividend 322.40 64
Balance carried to Balance Sheet 5,384.19 1,062
19,672.61 3,879
* 1$ = Rs. 44.90 Exchange Rate as on March 31, 2010 (1$ = Rs 50.72 as on
March 31, 2009).
Results of Operations
The year under review was a transformational year for the Company. The
Company has set new global benchmarks for project execution. This was a
landmark year for the Company for its operating performance with earnings
growth amidst extraordinary challenges of price volatility and demand
During the year, the Company has scaled new heights and set several new
benchmarks in terms of sales, profits, networth and assets. Turnover for
the year was Rs. 2,00,400 crore ( $ 44.6 billion) against Rs. 1,46,328
crore in the previous year. Exports were higher by 24% at Rs. 1,10,176
crore ($ 24.5 billion). Profit after tax for the year was Rs. 16,236 crore
($ 3.6 billion) as against Rs. 15,309 crore ($ 3.1 billion).
The Company is one of India's largest contributors to the national
exchequer primarily by way of payment of taxes and duties to various
government agencies. During the year, a total of Rs. 17,972 crore ($ 4.0
billion) was paid in the form of various taxes and duties.
Your Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs. 7/- per Equity Share
(last year Rs. 13/- per Equity Share on pre bonus share capital) for the
financial year ended March 31, 2010, amounting to Rs. 2,430 crore
(inclusive of tax of Rs. 346 crore) one of the highest ever payout by any
private sector domestic company. The dividend will be paid to members whose
names appear in the Register of Members as on May 11, 2010; in respect of
shares held in dematerialised form, it will be paid to members whose names
are furnished by National Securities Depository Limited and Central
Depository Services (India) Limited as beneficial owners.
The dividend payout for the year under review has been formulated in
accordance with the Company's policy to pay sustainable dividend linked to
long term performance, keeping in view the Company's need for capital for
its growth plans and the intent to finance such plans through internal
accruals to the maximum.
Credit Rating
The Company continues to have the highest domestic credit ratings of AAA
from CRISIL and Fitch. Moody's and S&P have reaffirmed investment grade
ratings for international debt of the Company, as Baa2 and BBB,
respectively. The Company's international rating from S&P is higher than
the country's sovereign rating. Strong credit ratings by leading
international agencies reflect the Company's financial discipline and
Employees Stock Option Scheme
The Company implemented the Employees Stock Option Scheme (Scheme'') in
accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock
Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 ('the
SEBI Guidelines'). The Employees Stock Compensation Committee, constituted
in accordance with the SEBI Guidelines, administers and monitors the
The applicable disclosures as stipulated under the SEBI Guidelines as at
March 31, 2010 (cumulative position) are given below:
a. (1) Options Granted 2,98,13,100 (Pre Bonus)
5,96,26,200 (Post Bonus)
b. (1) Exercise Price
Pre Bonus Post Bonus
Option Exercise Option Exercise
Granted Price Granted Price
2,87,28,000 1284* 5,74,56,000 642*
27,000 1684* 54,000 842*
10,08,000 2292* 20,16,000 1146*
50,100 1289* 1,00,200 644.5*
* Plus applicable taxes, as per law.
(1) In view of issue of Bonus shares in the ratio of one share for every
one share held as on record date, the number of Options has been doubled
and Exercise Price halved.
c. Options Vested 56,88,200
d. Options Exercised 10,71,912
e. The total number of shares arising as a 10,71,912
result of exercise of Options
f. Options Lapsed 85,94,874
g. Variation in terms of Options:
Subject to the conditions under the Scheme, the
vesting schedule from April, 2009 onwards has been
deferred by one year, save and except the options
due for deceased employees.
h. Money realised by exercise 68,81,67,504
of Options
i. Total number of Options in force 499,59,414
[(a) - (d) - (f)]
j. Employee wise details of Options granted
(Post Bonus) to:
i. Senior managerial personnel
1. Shri Nikhil R. Meswani 14,00,000
2. Shri Hital R. Meswani 14,00,000
3. Shri Hardev Singh Kohli 1,00,000
4. Shri P.M.S. Prasad 10,00,000
ii. Any other employee who received a grant in
any one year of Options amounting to 5%
or more of Options granted during that year Nil
iii. Identified employees, who were granted Nil
Options, during any one year, equal to
or exceeding 1% of the issued capital
(excluding outstanding warrants and
conversions) of the Company at the
time of grant
m. Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) before Rs. 49.65
exceptional items pursuant to issue of shares
on exercise of Options calculated in
accordance with Accounting Standard (AS)
20 'Earnings Per Share'.
The issuance of equity shares pursuant to exercise of Options does not
affect the profit and loss account of the Company, as the exercise is made
at the market price prevailing as on the date of the grant plus taxes as
The Company has received a certificate from the Auditors of the Company
that the Scheme has been implemented in accordance with the SEBI Guidelines
and the resolution passed by the shareholders. The Certificate would be
placed at the Annual General Meeting for inspection by members.
Management's Discussion and Analysis Report
Management's Discussion and Analysis Report for the year under review, as
stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock
Exchanges in India, is presented in a separate section forming part of the
Annual Report.
The Company has entered into various contracts in the area of oil and gas,
refining and petrochemicals businesses. While benefits from such contracts
will accrue in future years, their progress is periodically monitored.
Some of the major events of the year include the following:
KG D6 completed 365 days of 100% uptime and zeroincident production. Gas
production from KG D6 has ramped up to 60 MMSCMD in a short span of 9
months from commencement. KG D6 has current production of about 60 MMSCMD.
The design capacity of the KG D6 deepwater gas production facilities were
assessed and achieved a flow rate of 80 MMSCM.
GSPAs have been executed in line with the Government of India's gas
utilization policy for over 69 MMSCMD in the fertilizers, power, city gas
distribution, steel, LPG, refinery and petrochemical sectors.
During the year, development of Panna-K (PK) area was completed.
The Company had made four new gas discoveries during the year.
* Dhirubhai-43 in Well AA1 in CB10 block
* Dhirubhai-44 in Well R1 in KGVD3 block
* Dhirubhai-45 in Well BF1 in CB10 block
* Dhirubhai-46 in Well AH1 in CB10 block
Subsequent to series of new discoveries in the southern and deeper areas of
the KG D6 block, an optimized development plan has been submitted to DGH in
December 2009.
Major events after the end of the financial year till the date of this
report are as under.
* The Company entered into a joint venture with USA based Atlas Energy,
Inc. (Atlas) under which the Company acquired 40% interest in Atlas's core
Marcellus Shale acreage position.
* The Company has become a partner in approximately 300,000 net acres of
undeveloped leasehold in the core area of the Marcellus Shale in
southwestern Pennsylvania for an acquisition cost of US$ 339 million and an
additional US$ 1.36 billion capital costs under a carry arrangement for 75%
of Atlas's capital costs over an anticipated seven and a half year
development program. While Atlas will serve as the development operator,
Reliance is expected to begin acting as development operator in certain
regions in the coming years as part of the joint venture.
* Atlas will continue acquiring leasehold in the Marcellus shale region and
the Company will have the option to acquire 40% share in all new acreages.
The Company has also obtained the right of first offer with respect to
potential future sales by Atlas of around 280,000 additional Appalachian
acres currently controlled by Atlas (not included in the present joint
The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has delivered its judgment in the RNRL-
RIL legal dispute. The judgment recognized the dominant role of the
provisions of the Production Sharing Contract and has upheld the policies
formulated by the Government under which it has the authority to regulate
the production and distribution of natural gas.
In view of the findings of the judgment, the Company can sell gas only at
the price approved by the Government and only to the entities who have been
allocated gas under the Gas Utilisation Policy. RIL has no ability to
deviate from price, quantity and tenure as determined under Government's
policies, or to discriminate amongst various consumers.
The judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court has set at rest numerous issues
which had been raised in relation to the gas discovered and produced by the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India has granted approval
that the requirement to attach various documents in respect of subsidiary
companies, as set out in sub-section (1) of Section 212 of the Companies
Act, 1956, shall not apply to the Company. Accordingly, the Balance Sheet,
Profit and Loss Account and other documents of the subsidiary companies are
not being attached with the Balance Sheet of the Company.
Financial information of the subsidiary companies, as required by the said
approval, is disclosed in the Annual Report. The Company will make
available the Annual Accounts of the subsidiary companies and the related
detailed information to any member of the Company who may be interested in
obtaining the same. The annual accounts of the subsidiary companies will
also be kept open for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company
and that of the respective subsidiary companies. The Consolidated Financial
Statements presented by the Company include financial results of its
subsidiary companies.
Details of major subsidiaries of the Company are covered in Management's
Discussion and Analysis Report forming part of the Annual Report.
Shri Pawan Kumar Kapil was appointed as an additional Director effective
May 16, 2010. He was also appointed as wholetime director designated as
Executive Director for three years. In terms of Section 260 of the
Companies Act, 1956 he shall hold office only upto the date of the ensuing
Annual General Meeting. The Company has received requisite notice in
writing from a member proposing his candidature for the office of Director
liable to retire by rotation.
Shri Hital R. Meswani, Shri Mahesh P. Modi, Dr. Dharam Vir Kapur, Dr.
Raghunath A. Mashalkar, Directors, retire by rotation and being eligible,
offer themselves for reappointment at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Your Directors express their profound grief on the unexpected sudden demise
of Shri R. Ravimohan on December 28, 2009.
Shri H.S. Kohli, Director has resigned from the Board effective May 16,
The Board placed on record its deep sense of appreciation for the
invaluable contribution made by Shri H.S. Kohli and Shri R. Ravimohan
during their tenure as wholetime directors of the Company.
Pursuant to intimation from the Promoters, the names of the Promoters and
entities comprising group' are disclosed in the Annual Report for the
purpose of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 1997.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
Pursuant to the requirement under Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act,
1956, with respect to Directors' Responsibility Statement, it is hereby
confirmed that:
(i) In the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended March 31,
2010, the applicable accounting standards read with requirements set out
under Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956, have been followed and there
are no material departures from the same;
(ii) the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company as at March 31, 2010 and of the profit of the Company for the year
ended on that date;
(iii) The Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the
Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
(iv) The Directors have prepared the annual accounts of the Company on a
going concern' basis.
Consolidated Financial Statements
In accordance with the Accounting Standard AS-21 on Consolidated Financial
Statements read with Accounting Standard AS-23 on Accounting for
Investments in Associates and AS-27 on Financial Reporting of Interest in
Joint Ventures, the audited Consolidated Financial Statements are provided
in the Annual Report.
Auditors and Auditors' Report
M/s. Chaturvedi & Shah, Chartered Accountants, M/s. Deloitte Haskins &
Sells, Chartered Accountants and M/s. Rajendra & Co., Chartered
Accountants, Statutory Auditors of the Company, hold office until the
conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting and are eligible for
The Company has received letters from all of them to the effect that their
reappointment, if made, would be within the prescribed limits under Section
224(1B) of the Companies Act, 1956 and that they are not disqualified for
reappointment within the meaning of Section 226 of the said Act.
The Notes on Accounts referred to in the Auditors' Report are self-
explanatory and do not call for any further comments.R....more
Hyderabad Latest News, Youth Entertainments, Celebrity News & Gossips, Music and Movies
Up Board 10th Results 2010
Uttar Pradesh Technical University Results 2010 has been declared on 29th may. Check the result through the following links Below >>>>>>
Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) Results 2010
U. P. Board Intermediate (Class XII) Results 2010
For more UP University Latest Updated News: CLICK HERE
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Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) Results 2010
U. P. Board Intermediate (Class XII) Results 2010
For more UP University Latest Updated News: CLICK HERE
Click here for more latest updated results, Notifications and more
Bihar Police Results 2010 | Bihar Police Recruitment 2010
Policing in Bihar is more than 3000 years old. In fact, there are documented historical references to policing practices adopted by the Magadh Empire.
Bihar State Police to be announce the Constable / Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2010 Results, Just follow this link:
Note: Posting and Contact details of IPS Bihar Cadre Officers
For more Latest updated Results, Notifications, and JObs: Click Here
Bihar State Police to be announce the Constable / Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2010 Results, Just follow this link:
Note: Posting and Contact details of IPS Bihar Cadre Officers
For more Latest updated Results, Notifications, and JObs: Click Here
PSEB 12th Results | Punjab School Education Board Results 2010
Punjab school education Board results has been declared at their official website. Check the following link to getr the PSEB Results 2010:
The Punjab School Education Board came into being under an Act of Legislation in 1969, amended in 1987, 2000 and 2005.
> Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board shall exercise and perform the following powers and functions, namely :—
> prescribe the syllabi, courses of the studies and text books for school education;
> organize reserach for grading of textual vocabulary and arrange for regular revision of text books and other books;
> hold examinations for school education, publish the results of such examinations and grant certificates to the persons, who have passed such examinations
Click here for more results
The Punjab School Education Board came into being under an Act of Legislation in 1969, amended in 1987, 2000 and 2005.
> Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board shall exercise and perform the following powers and functions, namely :—
> prescribe the syllabi, courses of the studies and text books for school education;
> organize reserach for grading of textual vocabulary and arrange for regular revision of text books and other books;
> hold examinations for school education, publish the results of such examinations and grant certificates to the persons, who have passed such examinations
Click here for more results
AIEEE Results | AIEEE 2010 Results | All India Entrace Exam Results
The Results of All India Engineering Entrance Exams Results have been declared. Please check the by using following below given links.
The results will be available on the official website
AIEEE Results Available, Just go through the following links:,,,
Note: This year, 1058150 students appeared for AIEEE exam. The online registration for counseling will start from 8th June 2010.
For more Latest Updated Results, Notifications and more: CLICK HERE
The results will be available on the official website
AIEEE Results Available, Just go through the following links:,,,
Note: This year, 1058150 students appeared for AIEEE exam. The online registration for counseling will start from 8th June 2010.
For more Latest Updated Results, Notifications and more: CLICK HERE
Singam Movie Review - Singam Movie
Singam is sure to be one of the best top-drawers of 2010 and the producers will surely be elated as it brings them profits to unexpected levels.
Singam is Surya’s 25th Movie and he plays the role of a cop in it.Surya is playing the role of cop for the second time after Kakka Kakka and expectations are high on it.
Banner: Sun Pictures, Studio Green, Big Pictures
Production: K.E. Gnyanavel Rajan, Kalanidhi Maaran
Direction: Hari
Casts: Surya, Anushka, Prakash Raj, Vivek, Nasser, Manorama, Vijayakumar and others
Music: Devi Sri Prasad
Verdict: Excellent piece of work
Rating: 4/5
Click here for more:
Singam is Surya’s 25th Movie and he plays the role of a cop in it.Surya is playing the role of cop for the second time after Kakka Kakka and expectations are high on it.
Banner: Sun Pictures, Studio Green, Big Pictures
Production: K.E. Gnyanavel Rajan, Kalanidhi Maaran
Direction: Hari
Casts: Surya, Anushka, Prakash Raj, Vivek, Nasser, Manorama, Vijayakumar and others
Verdict: Excellent piece of work
Rating: 4/5
Click here for more:
ICET 2010 Answer key | 2010 ICET Solutions | ICET 2010 cutt off marks
ICET 2010 Answer key | 2010 ICET Solutions | ICET 2010 cutt off marks
ICET 2010 examination to be conducted tomorrow on 27/05/2010.Soon ICET 2010 Answer Key will be updated in this site,so please bookmark this site for icet keys and more.
you can check it up in the official site : click here
ICET 2010 examination to be conducted tomorrow on 27/05/2010.Soon ICET 2010 Answer Key will be updated in this site,so please bookmark this site for icet keys and more.
you can check it up in the official site : click here
MPECCA Results | RGPV Results 2010 | 3rd Sem RGTU Results | MPonline 3rd sem rgtu results
MPECCA Results | RGPV Results 2010 | 3rd Sem RGTU Results | MPonline 3rd sem rgtu results
The Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU) 3rd Semister results MCA, M.Tech, B.Pharm results has been declared, Now check the following link to get the results.
Click here for RGTU Results
For more further details to VISIT the Official Website:
Click here for more latest updated Results, Notifications and more
The Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU) 3rd Semister results MCA, M.Tech, B.Pharm results has been declared, Now check the following link to get the results.
Click here for RGTU Results
For more further details to VISIT the Official Website:
Click here for more latest updated Results, Notifications and more
UP POLICE RESULTS 2010 | Uttar Pradesh Police Result 2010 | UP POLICE RESULTS
Example – RESULTUPP123456 to 56263
UP Police Result 2010 (UP Police 35000 Constables Recruitment Result): As per the UP POlice official website, the UP Police 35000Constables Recruitment Result will be announced very soon. However,as per some of the online education and recruitment news website, you can get the results through SMS by following the below given instructions. You can also refer the below given link for more updates on the UP Police Recruitment Results.
UP police result 2010 has been announced and it is available on internet. UP government has conducted a UP police recruitment drive 2010 for 35,000 posts, and it’s been long time that applicants are awaiting UP police results. Finally, educational network sources oninternet have confirmed that UP police result 2010 is now out. So all the UP police recruitment applicants can now check UP Police result 2010 online.
For more latest updated results and notifications more: CLICK HERE
Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review 2010
The Cast and Crew
Sharwanand, Padmapriya, Naresh, RK, M S Narayana, Krishna Bhagawan, Vijay Sai, Pragathi, Jeeva and others
Music: Anup Rubens
Cinematographer: Gummadi Jayakrishna
Producer & Director: Chandra Siddartha
Banner:Utopia Entertainers
The Film
Andari Bandhuvaya is not just a feel-good film, but it is a feel-sublime cinema. The lyric of the opening song says it all: “Sooryudu andari vaadaya, Chandrudu anbdari vaadaya, Ningi, Neeru, Gaali, Bhoomi andari vaya…Vaatiki swaartam unte manam brathakalemaya”
Andari Bandhuvaya 3 Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review
Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review
The theme of the film is the gift of love and the respect for humanity and worship of humanism. Hero’s father’s statement to the heroine: “Nenu poojalu punaskaralu cheyyanamma…pakshiki intha dhanyam, janthuvuki intha graasam, thoti manishiki intha sahayam…idenamma nenu cheesy pooja”;
Completely reflects the theme and characterization of the film.
Andari Bandhuvaya 2 Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review.
Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review
The Synopsis
Nandu (Sharwanand) arrives in Hyderabad and joins a big company. He stays with his friend (Vijay Sai). Nandu has this habit of taking loans and helping the needy. Nandu and Sai shift into a portion, where Paddu (Padmapriya) als stays. In fact, Paddu also works in the same office where Nandu joined.
Nandu along with Paddu and Sai go to his native village to see his father Hanumanthu (Naresh) who has sold away all his lands to construct school, hospital, public toilets, a temple, and other amenities to improve the quality of life. Then comes the stunning interval bang…Nandu’s original father returns.
Andari Bandhuvaya 5 Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review
Andari Bandhuvaya Movie Review
From then the story takes very interesting and unexpected twists to reach a feel-satisfied climax.
The Performances
Sharwanand excels in an author-backed role and essays his role with conviction and credibility. Padmapriya is glamorous and enacts her role very well. Naresh is simply superb. This his best performance to date. Krishna Bhagawan displays good comic timing. MS Narayana has a different kind of a role instead of being just a drunken louse. Vijay Sai has quite a long footage and he does well. All others did well in their well delineated character cameos.
For more entertainment News: CLICK HERE
Young India Telugu Movie Review 2010
Film: Young India
Rating: 1/5
Banner: Siri Media
Cast: Dasari Narayana Rao, Brahmanandam, Swapna, Venu, Yarlagadda Lakshmi Prasad along with 81 new Telugu artistes
Music: Keeravani
Editing: Gautham Raju
Cinematography: Ramana Raju
Story, dialogues, screenplay, direction: Dasari Narayana Rao
Producer: K Ramakrishna Prasad
Darsakaratna Dasari Narayana Rao has come up with his 149th directorial venture and according to him, this is meant to be an eye opener for all. How much openings it will get, let us see.
A group of youngsters Abhi, Venky, Razzaq, Rai attempt to commit suicide as they have their own share of tragic flashbacks. However, Keerthi (Sowmya) gets to the spot and the group reveals their stories. She gets them to her father Naidu (Dasari) who is an SP with a Tamil accent. He gives them his piece of mind and this aimless group suddenly emerges to be a new movement called ‘Young India’ fighting against injustice. What happens after that is anyone’s guess.
The lead cast comprises of eight youngsters in total and the rest of the 75 artistes fill the screen. they have done their best to infuse life into their characters but the etching was weak. Since it is their debut attempt, certain drawbacks were seen so they must polish their skills if they are looking to make careers in the industry.
Dasari Narayana Rao was usual with his eccentric dialogues and one fails to understand why he had to take up a Tamil accent. Anyways, he was present at the key instances and was busy beaming with pride while the youngsters keep praising him.
Brahmanandam was annoying and his stereotype expressions and body language gave painful expressions than smiles.
The other supporting cast was okay and did their bit as required.
For more latest Entertainments : CLICK HERE
PSEB Results 2010 | Panjab School Education Board 8th Class Results | PSEB 8th Class results 2010 Mohali
PSEB Results 2010 | Panjab School Education Board 8th Class Results | PSEB 8th Class results 2010 Mohali
Punjab School Education Board, Mohali will announce the Mid exam or 8th class result on 16th May 2010 at 8 am.
PSEB 2010 results
Punjab School Education Board , PSEB, Mohali was established in 1969 under a legislative act of the Government of Punjab to conduct standardized exams in addition to conducting teacher training, administration of scholarships, and publishing of textbooks.
Punjab School Education Board is headed by a Chairman whose term is for three years and who technically reports to the Secretary of School Education in the Government of Punjab.
Panjab School Education Results : CLICK HERE
For more Information about the Latest Results, Notifications and more: CLICK HERE
Punjab School Education Board, Mohali will announce the Mid exam or 8th class result on 16th May 2010 at 8 am.
PSEB 2010 results
Punjab School Education Board , PSEB, Mohali was established in 1969 under a legislative act of the Government of Punjab to conduct standardized exams in addition to conducting teacher training, administration of scholarships, and publishing of textbooks.
Punjab School Education Board is headed by a Chairman whose term is for three years and who technically reports to the Secretary of School Education in the Government of Punjab.
Panjab School Education Results : CLICK HERE
For more Information about the Latest Results, Notifications and more: CLICK HERE
NASA world tour 2010
A 1931 photo shows the original hangar at NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The first American satellite in orbit, Explorer 1, launches in January 1958. The "Original Seven" Mercury astronauts were selected in 1959. The experimental Echo project used large metallic balloons to bounce signals from one point on Earth to another.
The X-15 hypersonic research aircraft flew for nearly 10 years, from June 1959 to October 1968. Apollo 11 astronauts left the first bootprints on the moon in July 1969. Jupiter's Great Red Spot, seen from one of the twin Voyager spacecraft that launched in 1977. NASA satellites helped create the "blue marble," a detailed image of Earth.
Columbia launches on the first shuttle mission in April 1981. Image of the Eagle Nebula from the Hubble Space Telescope. The Mars rover Opportunity looks back at its tracks on the red planet. The international space station is humanity's first permanent orbital outpost.
The Cassini spacecraft has been sending back images of Saturn, it's rings and moons since July 2004. Discovery returns the space shuttle fleet to flight in July 2005. NASA satellites help scientists and forecasters watch powerful hurricanes. Artist's concept of NASA's next spaceship, the crew exploration vehicle, docked with a lander in lunar orbit.
APNDCL | APNPDCL Selected Candidates List 2010 | APNPDCL Recruitment Results 2010 |
APNDCL | APNPDCL Selected Candidates List 2010 | APNPDCL Recruitment Results 2010 |
List of Candidates Provisionally selected for the post of Asst. Engineer(Elec) IN NPDCL: CLICK HERE
Andhra Pradesh Northern Electricity Distribution Company (APNPDCL) has published the provisional list of selected candidates for the recruitment Assistant Engineers.
This List can be checked on the official website of APNPDCL on
Click here for more information about Latest Recruitments: VISIT HERE
List of Candidates Provisionally selected for the post of Asst. Engineer(Elec) IN NPDCL: CLICK HERE
Andhra Pradesh Northern Electricity Distribution Company (APNPDCL) has published the provisional list of selected candidates for the recruitment Assistant Engineers.
This List can be checked on the official website of APNPDCL on
Click here for more information about Latest Recruitments: VISIT HERE
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna Movie Review
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna Movie Review
The Cast and Crew
Ram, Priya Anand, Bindu Madhavi, Arjun, Nazar, Benarjee, Pragathi and others
Director: Srivas
Producer: Dil Raju
Music Director: M.M. Keeravani
Lyricst: Ananth Sriram
The Rating
2.5 out of 5
The Film
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna is a regular Telugu mass masala film with the now routine village on the banks of Godavari river and the hero, normally does not do anything except to solve the problems of others, that too only to have the girl he loves.
The Synopsis
Arjun Deva (Arjun) was once an underworld don in Mumai. He decides to mend his gangster ways and he relocates to Gandhipuram situated on the banks of Godavari river. His two sisters Priya and Bindu (Priya Anand and Bindu Madhavi) stay with him while he leads a reformed life.
Chakrapani (Nazar) happens to be the head of the village and has two sons. The elder one studies in the medical college and his younger son Rama Krishna (Ram) is carefree and does all sorts of things in the village. Though Rama Kishna fights with Priya, he has got a soft corner for her. He then suddenly finds that his elder brother is in love with the elder sister of Priya.
The rest of the story deals with how Rama Krishna sorts out the entire problem leading to a very predictable climax
The Performances
Ram still gives out on a screen a rare energy that lends his role with a certain credibility. Priya Anand and Bindu Madhavi supply the glamour quotient as this entirely the hero’s film. Arjun essays his role with his customary equanimity and so does Nazar. All others go through their required motions and emotions.
The Techniques
An old story in a new bottle but certain incidents and the presentation offers some view-ability to the film. Music, Lyrics, Choreography and Stunts form the narration-worthiness. Cinematography is good. Production values are an add-on.
The Verdict
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna can be seen only for Ram’s energetic performance. A routine regular mass masala movie produced by Dil Raju and directed by Srivas does not compel you to rush to the nearest theatre. However, the film become the favourite with mass audience.
The Cast and Crew
Ram, Priya Anand, Bindu Madhavi, Arjun, Nazar, Benarjee, Pragathi and others
Director: Srivas
Producer: Dil Raju
Music Director: M.M. Keeravani
Lyricst: Ananth Sriram
The Rating
2.5 out of 5
The Film
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna is a regular Telugu mass masala film with the now routine village on the banks of Godavari river and the hero, normally does not do anything except to solve the problems of others, that too only to have the girl he loves.
The Synopsis
Arjun Deva (Arjun) was once an underworld don in Mumai. He decides to mend his gangster ways and he relocates to Gandhipuram situated on the banks of Godavari river. His two sisters Priya and Bindu (Priya Anand and Bindu Madhavi) stay with him while he leads a reformed life.
Chakrapani (Nazar) happens to be the head of the village and has two sons. The elder one studies in the medical college and his younger son Rama Krishna (Ram) is carefree and does all sorts of things in the village. Though Rama Kishna fights with Priya, he has got a soft corner for her. He then suddenly finds that his elder brother is in love with the elder sister of Priya.
The rest of the story deals with how Rama Krishna sorts out the entire problem leading to a very predictable climax
The Performances
Ram still gives out on a screen a rare energy that lends his role with a certain credibility. Priya Anand and Bindu Madhavi supply the glamour quotient as this entirely the hero’s film. Arjun essays his role with his customary equanimity and so does Nazar. All others go through their required motions and emotions.
The Techniques
An old story in a new bottle but certain incidents and the presentation offers some view-ability to the film. Music, Lyrics, Choreography and Stunts form the narration-worthiness. Cinematography is good. Production values are an add-on.
The Verdict
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna can be seen only for Ram’s energetic performance. A routine regular mass masala movie produced by Dil Raju and directed by Srivas does not compel you to rush to the nearest theatre. However, the film become the favourite with mass audience.
Set Results 2010 | symbiosis entrance test 2010 | symbiosis results | symbiosis pune, set exam 2010
Set Results 2010 | symbiosis entrance test 2010 | symbiosis results | symbiosis pune, set exam 2010
Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) is a common written test for the admission processes of undergraduate institutes of Symbiosis International ( Deemed University) established as Deemed to be University” under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 vide notification No.F.9.12/2001 U.3 of the Govt. of India.
The registration for SET 2010 will be extending on till mid April, 2010. SET 2010 Result will be declared on May 15, 2010
Set 2010 results are declared in following links:
For more latest updated results, Notifications, more: CLICK HERE
Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) is a common written test for the admission processes of undergraduate institutes of Symbiosis International ( Deemed University) established as Deemed to be University” under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 vide notification No.F.9.12/2001 U.3 of the Govt. of India.
The registration for SET 2010 will be extending on till mid April, 2010. SET 2010 Result will be declared on May 15, 2010
Set 2010 results are declared in following links:
For more latest updated results, Notifications, more: CLICK HERE
Romantic Musical Nights For Married Heroines
Call it the combination of hot sexy beauty and melodious singing talent, but the film couple of actress Sangeetha and her hubby Krish who is a singer is making a bit of news now. Recently, it is heard that Sangeetha has actually shared her bedroom talk with a Tamil magazine.
It seems that Krish keeps singing songs during the night before they go to sleep. It is also heard that sometimes she gets so excited that she even dances to his songs and in a way, they have been going through few sexy musical nights in their for more sangeetha pics visit
These are the days when wives find a pretext to harass their hubbies or vice-versa but then Sangeetha and Krish are proving all of them wrong and are setting an example to the society. Many say that the other couples must look at these two and take a leaf out of their life.
For more latest married heroins
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OU MCA Feb Results | MCA Results 2010 | Osmania MCA Results 2010 | MCA 1st Feb Results
OU MCA Feb Results | MCA Results 2010 | Osmania MCA Results 2010 | MCA 1st Feb Results
If Any Problem Above Link: Please click below link:
Osmania University MCA Results 2010: CLICK HERE
Click here for more Latest Results
If Any Problem Above Link: Please click below link:
Osmania University MCA Results 2010: CLICK HERE
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Rama Rama Krishna Krishna Movie Review 2010
The Cast and Crew
Ram, Priya Anand, Bindu Madhavi, Arjun, Nazar, Benarjee, Pragathi and others
Director: Srivas
Producer: Dil Raju
Music Director: M.M. Keeravani
Lyricst: Ananth Sriram
The Film:
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna is a regular Telugu mass masala film with the now routine village on the banks of Godavari river and the hero, normally does not do anything except to solve the problems of others, that too only to have the girl he loves.
The Techniques of Ram Movie
An old story in a new bottle but certain incidents and the presentation offers some view-ability to the film. Music, Lyrics, Choreography and Stunts form the narration-worthiness. Cinematography is good. Production values are an add-on.
Click here for more: Entertainments
Ram, Priya Anand, Bindu Madhavi, Arjun, Nazar, Benarjee, Pragathi and others
Director: Srivas
Producer: Dil Raju
Music Director: M.M. Keeravani
Lyricst: Ananth Sriram
The Film:
Rama Rama Krishna Krishna is a regular Telugu mass masala film with the now routine village on the banks of Godavari river and the hero, normally does not do anything except to solve the problems of others, that too only to have the girl he loves.
The Techniques of Ram Movie
An old story in a new bottle but certain incidents and the presentation offers some view-ability to the film. Music, Lyrics, Choreography and Stunts form the narration-worthiness. Cinematography is good. Production values are an add-on.
Click here for more: Entertainments
Gitam University Results 2010
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, popularly known as GITAM was founded in 1980 by an inspired group of eminent intellectuals and industrialists of Andhra Pradesh led by Dr. M.V.V.S.Murthi, Former Member of Parliament and popular philanthropist. Their mission was to set up a world-class technology and management institution in the picturesque city of Visakhapatnam to impart futuristic and comprehensive professional education of global standards with a high sense of discipline and social relevance in a serene and invigorating environment. The avowed objective of GITAM is to train qualified professionals to shoulder the responsibility of contributing to the development of India as a “Knowledge Society”.
GITAM is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act XXXI of 1860. Its registered office is situated at Visakhapatnam in the State of Andhra Pradesh. It is governed by a Governing Body consisting of eminent educationists, industrialists, professionals, experts, etc. for more
Gitam University Admissions
Gitam University Results
Gitam University Time Tables
For more Latest updates of Notifications, Govt, Freshers etc: CLICK HERE
GITAM is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act XXXI of 1860. Its registered office is situated at Visakhapatnam in the State of Andhra Pradesh. It is governed by a Governing Body consisting of eminent educationists, industrialists, professionals, experts, etc. for more
Gitam University Admissions
Gitam University Results
Gitam University Time Tables
For more Latest updates of Notifications, Govt, Freshers etc: CLICK HERE
APCPDCL Recruitment 2010 | APSPDCL Notification 2010 | apcpdcl recruitment for Assistant Engineers
APCPDCL Recruitment 2010 | APSPDCL Notification 2010 | apcpdcl recruitment for Assistant Engineers
Recruitment Notification
for AE's & JAOs
Medical Reimbursement credit card facility
Recruitment Notification for Assistant Engineers
Recruitment Notification for Junior Accounts Officers
Click here for more Information about the APCPDCL Notifications:
Recruitment Notification
for AE's & JAOs
Medical Reimbursement credit card facility
Recruitment Notification for Assistant Engineers
Recruitment Notification for Junior Accounts Officers
Click here for more Information about the APCPDCL Notifications:
Plus two results 2010 | Plus 2 Resultsn Tamilanadu | Tamilnadu board plus two results | Kerala HSE Results 2010
Plus two results 2010 | Plus 2 Resultsn Tamilanadu | Tamilnadu board plus two results | Kerala HSE Results 2010
Tamilnadu education board has announced the 12th class results. Candidates can check the results from the official website of the Board.
The Tamil Nadu State Directorate of Government Examination also made the results available on the respective centers. The SSLC board of education announced the results. The exams were conducted a few months back. The results are also available on the official website of Tamilnadu HSC.
Please check for PLus two results of Tamilnadu Results following below links:
For more Results, Noticfications, Jobs, Syllabus etc, CLICK HERE
Tamilnadu education board has announced the 12th class results. Candidates can check the results from the official website of the Board.
The Tamil Nadu State Directorate of Government Examination also made the results available on the respective centers. The SSLC board of education announced the results. The exams were conducted a few months back. The results are also available on the official website of Tamilnadu HSC.
Please check for PLus two results of Tamilnadu Results following below links:
For more Results, Noticfications, Jobs, Syllabus etc, CLICK HERE
India vs Westindies t20 live cricket streaming | watch live cricket streaming online | Watch India vs West Indies T20 World Cup 2010 Live Match
India vs Westindies t20 live cricket streaming | watch live cricket streaming online | Watch India vs West Indies T20 World Cup 2010 Live Match
Venue :7th Match Super 8s Group F, Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados
Live action starts from: 13:30 GMT (19:00 IST) T20 ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Match
India vs West Indies, India vs West Indies Twenty20, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live Match, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live Match 9th May, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live Match 9th May 2010, Twenty20 World Cup 2010, West Indies
Team players:
West Indies team;
CH Gayle, SJ Benn, DJ Bravo, S Chanderpaul, N Deonarine, ADS Fletcher, WW Hinds, NO Miller, KA Pollard, D Ramdin†, R Rampaul, KAJ Roach, DJG Sammy, RR Sarwan, JE Taylor
India team;
MS Dhoni, PP Chawla, G Gambhir, Harbhajan Singh, RA Jadeja, KD Karthik†, Z Khan, A Nehra, YK Pathan, SK Raina, RG Sharma, M Vijay, R Vinay Kumar, U Yadav, Yuvraj Singh
Match details
Umpires BF Bowden and SJA Taufel
TV umpire SJ Davis
Match referee JJ Crowe
Reserve umpire BR Doctrove
live cricket streaming of india vs westindies; click here
Venue :7th Match Super 8s Group F, Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados
Live action starts from: 13:30 GMT (19:00 IST) T20 ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Match
India vs West Indies, India vs West Indies Twenty20, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live Match, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live Match 9th May, India vs West Indies Twenty20 World Cup 2010 Live Match 9th May 2010, Twenty20 World Cup 2010, West Indies
Team players:
West Indies team;
CH Gayle, SJ Benn, DJ Bravo, S Chanderpaul, N Deonarine, ADS Fletcher, WW Hinds, NO Miller, KA Pollard, D Ramdin†, R Rampaul, KAJ Roach, DJG Sammy, RR Sarwan, JE Taylor
India team;
MS Dhoni, PP Chawla, G Gambhir, Harbhajan Singh, RA Jadeja, KD Karthik†, Z Khan, A Nehra, YK Pathan, SK Raina, RG Sharma, M Vijay, R Vinay Kumar, U Yadav, Yuvraj Singh
Match details
Umpires BF Bowden and SJA Taufel
TV umpire SJ Davis
Match referee JJ Crowe
Reserve umpire BR Doctrove
live cricket streaming of india vs westindies; click here
PUC Results 2010 | Karnataka Board PUC Exam Results | Karnataka 2 nd PUC Results
PUC Results 2010 | Karnataka Board PUC Exam Results | Karnataka 2 nd PUC Results
The Pre-University Board has been declared today 6th may. Here just follow the PUC Results 2010 below websties.
Click here for more Results :
The Pre-University Board has been declared today 6th may. Here just follow the PUC Results 2010 below websties.
Click here for more Results :
Nirupama Pathak Murder | Mysterious Death of a Woman Journalist
Nirupama Pathak Murder | Mysterious Death of a Woman Journalist
The mysterious death of a woman journalist at Tilaya in Koderma district of Jharkhand turned out to be a case of murder and not suicide as suggested earlier.
Superintendent of Police Kranti Kumar said the post-mortem report of the body of journalist Nirupama Pathak was received today and confirmed her death was caused by "asphyxia as a result of smothering".
He alleged the family members of the victim had misled the police by first claiming she died of eletrocution, though the incident had taken place in the morning, the police were informed in the evening.
Besides, the victim was strangulated with a rope even after she died, Kumar said adding that a ligature mark was found around her neck.
Source : click here
The mysterious death of a woman journalist at Tilaya in Koderma district of Jharkhand turned out to be a case of murder and not suicide as suggested earlier.
Superintendent of Police Kranti Kumar said the post-mortem report of the body of journalist Nirupama Pathak was received today and confirmed her death was caused by "asphyxia as a result of smothering".
He alleged the family members of the victim had misled the police by first claiming she died of eletrocution, though the incident had taken place in the morning, the police were informed in the evening.
Besides, the victim was strangulated with a rope even after she died, Kumar said adding that a ligature mark was found around her neck.
Source : click here
Sun Kudumbam Award 2010 LIVE | VIDEOS of Sun Kudumbam Award 2010
Sun Kudumbam Award 2010 LIVE | VIDEOS of Sun Kudumbam Award 2010
Sun Kudumbam Award 2010
Sun Kudumbam Awards are presented every year by the Sun Network group to honour the cast and crew of the television serials which air on Sun TV.
Watch Videos below :
Part 4:
Sun Kudumbam Award 2010
Sun Kudumbam Awards are presented every year by the Sun Network group to honour the cast and crew of the television serials which air on Sun TV.
Watch Videos below :
Part 4:
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana Latest News & More |
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana Latest News & More |
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana (RGUMY) is to provide handholding support and assistance to the potential first generation entrepreneurs, who have already successfully completed EDP/SDP/ESDP or vocational training from ITIs, through the selected lead agencies i.e. 'Udyami Mitras', in the establishment and management of the new enterprise, in dealing with various procedural and legal hurdles and in completion of various formalities required for setting up and running of the enterprise.
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana use full links given below :
Guidelines for Prospective Entrepreneurs
How to Set up a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
List of Empanelled Udyami Mitra
Project Profiles from the Office of DC-MSME
Additional Project Profiles from the Office of DC-MSME
Project Profiles from NSIC
Project Profiles from KVIC
please click here for more information
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana (RGUMY) is to provide handholding support and assistance to the potential first generation entrepreneurs, who have already successfully completed EDP/SDP/ESDP or vocational training from ITIs, through the selected lead agencies i.e. 'Udyami Mitras', in the establishment and management of the new enterprise, in dealing with various procedural and legal hurdles and in completion of various formalities required for setting up and running of the enterprise.
Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana use full links given below :
Guidelines for Prospective Entrepreneurs
How to Set up a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
List of Empanelled Udyami Mitra
Project Profiles from the Office of DC-MSME
Additional Project Profiles from the Office of DC-MSME
Project Profiles from NSIC
Project Profiles from KVIC
please click here for more information
mp pet 2010 answer key | mp pet solutions 2010 | MP CET 2010
mp pet 2010 answer key | mp pet solutions 2010 | MP CET 2010
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board, Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board, Bhopal has to be announced soon in the below link given, please visit again as soon as possible we will provide the answer key 2010 examination.
for official website please click here
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board, Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board, Bhopal has to be announced soon in the below link given, please visit again as soon as possible we will provide the answer key 2010 examination.
for official website please click here
Watch Live & Highlights India vs South Africa Live T20 Match | India 186/5
Watch Live & Highlights India vs South Africa Live T20 Match | India 186/5
ICC World Twenty20
5th Match, Group C: India v South Africa
Stadium: Gros Islet ; May 2, 2010
to watch live : CLICK HERE
To watch scoreboard click here
ICC World Twenty20
5th Match, Group C: India v South Africa
Stadium: Gros Islet ; May 2, 2010
to watch live : CLICK HERE
To watch scoreboard click here
TNPSC GROUP-1 Answer key 2010 | Download TNPSC Answer key 2010
TNPSC GROUP-1 Answer key 2010 | Download TNPSC Answer key 2010
TNPSC GROUP-1 (May 2nd 2010) Answers. Answers are ready, Click here
Please visit again..for more updates
TNPSC GROUP-1 (May 2nd 2010) Answers. Answers are ready, Click here
Please visit again..for more updates
srmeee Answer Key 2010 Download | Download srmeee Solutions 2010
srmeee Answer Key 2010 Download | Download srmeee Solutions 2010
SRMEEE Entrance Examination is conducted by SRM University. SRMEEE 2010 exan was on May 02,2010. You can check your answer key, which are provided by T.I.M.E.
Ypui can check Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology in the below link.
For Answer Key please : DOWNLOAD
SRMEEE Entrance Examination is conducted by SRM University. SRMEEE 2010 exan was on May 02,2010. You can check your answer key, which are provided by T.I.M.E.
Ypui can check Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology in the below link.
For Answer Key please : DOWNLOAD
Zara Nachke Dikha NEW Hosts Look OUT | Star Plus Zara Nachke Dikha

Zara Nachke Dikha NEW Hosts Look OUT | Star Plus Zara Nachke Dikha
Zara Nachke Dikha on Star Plus has opened to a great response. While the boys and girls teams are packed with some great performers, the same cannot be said of the hosts Mohit Sehgal and Sanaya Irani.
The hosts were found lacking during the shoot of the first two episodes, which forced the channel and production house to think of replacing them.
According to our source, "During the shoot of the first two episodes, Mohit and Sanaya could not put in their punch as hosts. The shoot was delayed a lot as the two had to go thro' too many retakes. Even the judges especially Shilpa Shetty was very much irked, and had even asked the crew to give the hosts some proper rehearsals before they appear on stage the next time".
All this prompted the channel to look for a proper replacement, and they have now managed to get a new set of hosts who will take over from Mohit and Sanaya from the third episode onwards.
According to our source, "Jennifer Winget who is presently seen in Star One's Dill Mill Gaye has proven her worth as host earlier, and will now be seen hosting Zara Nachke Dikha. RJ Mantra who is a very popular RJ at Radio Mirchi will be giving her company".
For more details please click here
Karunya Entrance Exam Result DECLARED | KEE RANK CARD & Result 2010
Karunya Entrance Exam Result DECLARED | KEE RANK CARD & Result 2010
Karunya University was founded with the noble vision to raise professionals and leaders of high academic calibre and unblemished character, nurtured with a strong motivation and commitment to serve humanity. The Karunya Institute of Technology was started as a private self-financing engineering college on 4 October 1986.
Click here for Official website
Karunya University was founded with the noble vision to raise professionals and leaders of high academic calibre and unblemished character, nurtured with a strong motivation and commitment to serve humanity. The Karunya Institute of Technology was started as a private self-financing engineering college on 4 October 1986.
Click here for Official website
Kerala SSLC Results Declaration | SSLC Results Online
Karnataka Govt has directed the Karnataka examinations authority to conduct common entrance test on 28-04-2010 and 29-04-2010 for the year 2010-2011.
28-02-2010 : BIOLOGY ; MATHS
29-04-2010 : PHYSICS ; CHEMISTRY
Biology : ANSWER KEY
Karnataka Govt has directed the Karnataka examinations authority to conduct common entrance test on 28-04-2010 and 29-04-2010 for the year 2010-2011.
28-02-2010 : BIOLOGY ; MATHS
29-04-2010 : PHYSICS ; CHEMISTRY
Biology : ANSWER KEY
Food Inspector Exam Result 2010 | Check Food Inspector Results
Food Inspector Exam Result 2010 | Check Food Inspector Results
The Food & Supplies Department, Punjab is under the administrative control of Secretary, Food & supplies. There are two wings under the Secretary, one Secretariat organisation and the other Directorate organisation. For the Directorate has its offices both at the divisional and district level in the State. At the Divisional level, there are three Deputy Directors(Field) who are assisted by the District Food & Supplies Controller who are heading the district level offices of this Department. The District Food & Supplies Controllers are working under the direct control of Director, Food & Supplies whose office is located at Chandigarh.
Food & Supplies Department, Punjab results of Food Inspector Exam, please visit official website click here
The Food & Supplies Department, Punjab is under the administrative control of Secretary, Food & supplies. There are two wings under the Secretary, one Secretariat organisation and the other Directorate organisation. For the Directorate has its offices both at the divisional and district level in the State. At the Divisional level, there are three Deputy Directors(Field) who are assisted by the District Food & Supplies Controller who are heading the district level offices of this Department. The District Food & Supplies Controllers are working under the direct control of Director, Food & Supplies whose office is located at Chandigarh.
Food & Supplies Department, Punjab results of Food Inspector Exam, please visit official website click here
House Full Movie Download | Online House Full Movie

House Full Movie Download | Online House Full Movie
Movie : House Full Movie
Cast : Akshaye Kumar, Ritesh Deshmukh, Deepika Padukone, Lara Dutta, Jiah Khan, Arjun Rampal, Boman Irani & Chunky Pandey
Producer : Sajid Nadiadwala
Director : Sajid Khan
HouseFull Movie All Parts :
Watch Part 1
Watch Part 2
Watch Part 3
Watch Part 4
Watch Part 5
Watch Part 6
Watch Part 7
Watch Part 8
For Download
SSC Central Police Organisation RESULTS 2010 |
SSC Central Police Organisation RESULTS 2010 |
Staff Selection Commission conducted the Central Police Organisations Examination, 2009 on 06.09.2009 for recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspectors in Central Police Organisations (CPOs).
Following is the list of 3702 candidates (3476 Male and 226 Female) who have been declared successful in the written Part (Paper-I+II) and were medically fit, are eligible for being called for the Interview.
RESULTS Click here
CLICK HERE Writeup/Cutoff Marks
Staff Selection Commission conducted the Central Police Organisations Examination, 2009 on 06.09.2009 for recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspectors in Central Police Organisations (CPOs).
Following is the list of 3702 candidates (3476 Male and 226 Female) who have been declared successful in the written Part (Paper-I+II) and were medically fit, are eligible for being called for the Interview.
RESULTS Click here
CLICK HERE Writeup/Cutoff Marks
Anna University M.Sc & M.Phil Admission Application Form Download | Anna University Admission 2010
Anna University M.Sc & M.Phil Admission Application Form Download | Anna University Admission 2010
Anna University
Anna University has announced the Admission into M.Sc(2 Years) Degree Programme 2010 & M.Phil Degree Programme 2010.
1. Admission to M.Sc 2 Year Degree Programme 2010
Application Form
Information and Instruction to Candidates
2.Admission to M.Phil Degree Programme 2010
Application Form
Information and Instruction to Candidates
For main site click here
Anna University
Anna University has announced the Admission into M.Sc(2 Years) Degree Programme 2010 & M.Phil Degree Programme 2010.
1. Admission to M.Sc 2 Year Degree Programme 2010
Application Form
Information and Instruction to Candidates
2.Admission to M.Phil Degree Programme 2010
Application Form
Information and Instruction to Candidates
For main site click here
VMOU Latest Results 2010 | VMOU DPM,PDES (D),PDES (R),PDGN, PDWR Results 2009
VMOU Latest Results 2010 | VMOU DPM,PDES (D),PDES (R),PDGN, PDWR Results 2009
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU or previously known as Kota Open University, renamed through a Gazette notification by the Government of Rajasthan on 21st September 2002) came into being in 1987 as a pioneering institution for open learning in Rajasthan. The idea of establishing an open university in the State of Rajasthan has its origin in the observations of the UGC Committee under the Chairmanship of Late Prof. G. Rama Reddy which observed that “the distance system in Rajasthan is well established and has the potential of growing into a full-fledged Open University.”
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University DPM,PDES (D),PDES (R),PDGN, PDWR examination December 2009 Results.
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU or previously known as Kota Open University, renamed through a Gazette notification by the Government of Rajasthan on 21st September 2002) came into being in 1987 as a pioneering institution for open learning in Rajasthan. The idea of establishing an open university in the State of Rajasthan has its origin in the observations of the UGC Committee under the Chairmanship of Late Prof. G. Rama Reddy which observed that “the distance system in Rajasthan is well established and has the potential of growing into a full-fledged Open University.”
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University DPM,PDES (D),PDES (R),PDGN, PDWR examination December 2009 Results.
SSLC Exam Results 2010 | Kerala SSLC results |
SSLC Exam Results 2010 | Kerala SSLC results |
Kerala State Examination 2010
Kerala State SSLC Examination Results 2010 has to be declare the results on May 3, 2010. in the following link.
For Results please click here
Kerala State Examination 2010
Kerala State SSLC Examination Results 2010 has to be declare the results on May 3, 2010. in the following link.
For Results please click here
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