Happy Sri Krishnashtami
Sri Krishnashtami is also known as Krishna Janmashtami,Gokulashtami,Srikrishna Jayanti.
Krishna Janmashtami is on the Ashtami tithi the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapada in the Hindu calendar, when the Rohini Nakshatra is ascendant in the 2011 the festival will be celebrated on 22nd August in North India and on 21st August in South Indian.
The handi is a clay pot filled with buttermilk that was positioned at a convenient height prior to the event. The topmost person on the human pyramid tries to break the handi by hitting it with a blunt object mostly nariyal (coconut) is preferred being a sign of purity,truth and other good terms in hindu religion. When that happens the buttermilk is spilled over the entire group, symbolizing their achievement through unity. Various handis are set up locally in several parts of the city, and groups of youngsters, called govinda, travel around in trucks trying to break as many handis as possible during the day.
Maakhan Khave, Shor Machave Gopiyon Ke Sang Raas Rachave,
Murli Bajake Mann Harshave Hai Natkhat Nand Gopal
"Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha Abhyuthanam Adharmasya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham" Let's celebrate the glory of Shri Krishna as he ascended to destroy the evil from the face of earth. HAPPY JANMASHTAMI !!
May Lord Krishna come to your house & take away all your Makhan - Mishri with all your worries & sorrows.
Sri Krishnashtami is also known as Krishna Janmashtami,Gokulashtami,Srikrishna Jayanti.
Krishna Janmashtami is on the Ashtami tithi the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapada in the Hindu calendar, when the Rohini Nakshatra is ascendant in the 2011 the festival will be celebrated on 22nd August in North India and on 21st August in South Indian.
The handi is a clay pot filled with buttermilk that was positioned at a convenient height prior to the event. The topmost person on the human pyramid tries to break the handi by hitting it with a blunt object mostly nariyal (coconut) is preferred being a sign of purity,truth and other good terms in hindu religion. When that happens the buttermilk is spilled over the entire group, symbolizing their achievement through unity. Various handis are set up locally in several parts of the city, and groups of youngsters, called govinda, travel around in trucks trying to break as many handis as possible during the day.

Maakhan Khave, Shor Machave Gopiyon Ke Sang Raas Rachave,
Murli Bajake Mann Harshave Hai Natkhat Nand Gopal
"Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha Abhyuthanam Adharmasya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham" Let's celebrate the glory of Shri Krishna as he ascended to destroy the evil from the face of earth. HAPPY JANMASHTAMI !!

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